Welcome to UTE Local 00013
Local 00013 Year End Letter
The 2017 year brought many challenges and changes to the Members of Local 00013. The year continued to bring loss of co-workers and friends with the final stages of the relocation of members due to the closure of the Call Center, members continue to feel the wrath of Phoenix with little to no assistance from our employer and it was confirmed that 1 Front Street had been sold and would close as the Toronto Tax Center.
Due to the closure of the Call Center, the Local’s union dues were reduced with the decrease in membership. Because of this, the Executive was forced to make some very difficult decision regarding the welfare of the Local. As we are going into another round of negotiations, in addition to the loss of union dues, it was felt that expenses had to be reduced to ensure monies would be available to the members, in the event of action having to be taken to get a new contract. In order to reduce expenses, the Executive decided to stop renting office space and not host a Christmas Party for the children but provide gifts only. The Executive is currently working on a new location and date for the 2018 AGM.
In June 2017, Management announced the GTA Modernization plan that was to be implemented in April 2018. This was done without consultation of the Local Executives or members. I am proud to say that the Local Executives (the four GTA Offices and PIPSC) banned together and fought to have this plan stopped. With the help of all members the plan was stopped. Because of the protest from members, management agreed to rework the plan and a Local Working Group was formed. This group included Executive Members from UTE and PIPSC, Senior Management and the Regional Office. Through the hard work of the Group and the engagement sessions with members, a new plan was developed and will be implemented in 2019. This was truly a success story for 2017 and showed that the Unions can work together to provide a better workplace for all Members.
As the Local is now stable in regards to the number of membership, the elections for a new Executive Council can be held. Since some of the current Executive will not be running again due to retirements or personal reasons, it is hoped that there will be new faces coming forward for elections. It is very important that the new Executive is as strong as the current one as there will be many challenges coming in the next three years with the relocation of 1 Front Street and the implementation of the new Plan.
On a personal note, I would like to thank all the Executive Council and Stewards for their many hours of hard work that was required to get the Local through 2017. Without their dedication and personal time used, the Local would not have been as successful in the protection and assistance provided to all members during 2017.
Linda Collins, President