Upcoming Signing of the New Collective Agreement



October 22, 2020

Hello Sisters and Brothers,

We know you are all impatiently waiting to learn when the new collective agreement will finally be signed. Many of you have contacted us regarding this issue.

As mentioned by the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner in an email sent to employees on September 30th, the CRA, as a separate employer, must seek approval of the agreement from the Governor in Council (this is in fact the Cabinet of the federal government and the Governor General). Once the Governor in Council approves it, it will publish an Order in Council. Then, the CRA and the PSAC-UTE will meet shortly thereafter to sign the new collective agreement.

The Cabinet is expected to meet to approve our agreement at the end of October or early November.

We therefore anticipate being able to sign the new collective agreement in mid-November unless an emergency arises that would postpone the meeting of the Cabinet.

As soon as we have confirmation from CRA that it has received the Order in Council, we will inform you of the specific date of signing of the new collective agreement.

In Solidarity,

Marc Brière
National President