Bargaining Team Signs Settlement

CRA bargaining: team signs settlement

Late Wednesday night, after 4 years of negotiations, 3 mediation sessions, a Public Interest Commission hearing and recommendation, our bargaining team signed a settlement with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This will be submitted for a vote to the membership.

We believe this agreement is the best we will be able to achieve in the absence of a strike mandate from PSAC/UTE membership at CRA.

Over the coming days, more details will be made available with respect to the content of the settlement and voting process.

English Link

Négociation à l’ARC : un règlement est conclu

Tard mercredi soir, après quatre années de négociation, trois séances de médiation et un passage devant la commission de l’intérêt public, notre équipe a signé un règlement avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC), qui sera soumis au vote des membres.

Nous croyons que ce règlement est le meilleur que nous pouvions obtenir en l’absence d’un mandat de grève des membres de l’AFPC/SEI à l’ARC.

Au cours des prochains jours, nous donnerons plus de détails au sujet du règlement conclu et du vote à venir.

lien français

Letter From Chris Roach to Scott Brison

Sent April 17, 2016

Objet: Union of Taxation Employees and Canada Revenue Agency Negotiations

Minister Brison,

I am Vice President of the Audit Financial and Scientific Group of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, although we are currently engaged in bargaining with the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) that’s not why I’m contacting you today. I am writing to request CRA and Treasury Board return to the bargaining table with our colleagues who are represented by the Union of Taxation Employees a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

The fact that our Brothers and Sisters have been without a contract since Nov 1 2012 is totally unacceptable. I encourage you as minister to provide direction to the Treasury Board and CRA that will result in a fair collective agreement for these dedicated members of the public service. Canadians rely on the services provided by a strong and knowledgeable public service, please show these employees that the Government of Canada appreciates their contribution to make Canada the wonderful country that it is.


Chris Roach

Vice President AFS Group

Summerside, PEI

Letter From Doug Mason to Scott Brison

Sent April 16, 2016

Subject: Union of Taxation Employees and Canada Revenue Agency Negotiations

Good morning Minister Brison,

I am the Chair of the Bargaining Team for the Audit Financial and Scientific Group (AFS) of the Professional Institute of the Public Service (PIPSC) that is currently in negotiations with the Canada Revenue Agency for a new collective agreement. I am also the National President of the AFS Group.

However, this communication is not about my group’s bargaining. Our CRA colleagues represented by the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) have been working without a collective agreement since November 1, 2012. This is an unacceptable situation.

As a show of support for my colleagues at UTE, I urge the Treasury Board and CRA to come to the bargaining table on April 25-27 with a fair offer and finalize a collective agreement with UTE.


Doug Mason
President, AFS Group / Président du groupe VFS