From: Madonna Gardiner
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:48 AM
To: Bob Campbell; Benjamin Miller; lin collins
Cc: Annette Melanson
Thank you brother Campbell for your response.
From: Bob Campbell
Sent: January 26, 2016 8:43:42 AM
To: Benjamin Miller; lin collins
Cc: Annette Melanson; Madonna Gardiner
Good Morning Linda and Ben, I know that you both have emailed Madonna and she has replied but I hope you do not mind if I make a few comments.
This has been a very hard round of negotiations and when it started we sent out information to stating that it was going to be a long time. I have spoke to your members at agms and also made that statement. Being back under TB has lengthen this process and the fact they the Government was looking for concessions with small wage increases did not help. Other groups did sign off and took cuts that you talk to most are not happy about. We have sent out more information on this round of bargaining than ever before, plus we have had two town hall telephone calls, and I have sent out all RVPs to walk around offices and answer questions on Bargaining. There was no communication from December 2nd from the national (we did send out the newsletter) until sister Madonna email last week as there was not much to say as the new government is not set up and ready to work. We must stay strong as this is for all our members now and in the future. Is it tough, with out a doubt, the members are anger and take it out on the union because we are in front of them, The government or CRA do not get the anger, as for leaving the union and taking there dues somewhere else I am sorry that is not possible as the grounds are very small and hard to meet.
But we need to talk to the members, we need to give them the information that was sent out last march showing how this is such a bad deal.
As for the PSAC I totally understand you frustration and agree sometimes it feels like we are forgotten, (except when they want work done) but we can use the process they are putting in place to get the cards signed to return to the CRA table, and also talk to MPS about the two anti union bills and returning to the CRA table. But your executive can only do what it can, I appreciate all the hard work and efforts that you all put in. It is a tough time to be a union Rep, but we are doing it for al the members and that is because we care. Thank you, and I hope you both, and Madonna do not mind my comments.
Robert Campbell
National President UTE
Président national SEI
613 235 6704 (office/bureau)
613 868 5947 (Cell/Cel)