Filing a Notice of Objection for Phoenix Damages

Filing a Notice of Objection for Phoenix Damages

When you receive your Notice of Assessment, there is a date on it. From that date, you have 90 days to file a Notice of Objection addressed to the chief of Appeals at your TSO. You can easily do this by simply going to your CRA My Account and click on filing an objection. My account can now be access by logging in using your bank login now. In your Notice of objection, you write the following:

A portion of the income reported on the my T4 for 2021 represents general damages paid under a settlement agreement negotiated by the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) as compensation for stress, aggravation, and pain and suffering, payable to all members of PSAC in recognition of the effect of the Phoenix pay system and the delayed implementation of a collective agreement on the membership. The payment was not dependent upon or in any way related to any grievance previously filed by the myself, or any demonstrated financial loss suffered by myself. Rather, the payment was compensation for the stress felt by all employees, regardless of their personal circumstances, due to the delays, confusion, and general chaos that resulted from the Phoenix implementation. As such, the amounts received as damages for pain and suffering should not have been subject to tax. I asks that my 2021 tax return be reassessed to reflect the non-taxable nature of the general damages received of $2,500 form my employment income line 10101 pursuant to paragraph 81(1)(g.1) of the Income Tax Act.

SUBDIVISION G Amounts Not Included in Computing Income

Marginal note:Amounts not included in income

     81 (1) There shall not be included in computing the income of a taxpayer for a taxation year,

Income from personal injury award property

(g.1) the income for the year from any property acquired by or on behalf of a person as an award of, or pursuant to an action for, damages in respect of physical or mental injury to that person, or from any property substituted therefor and any taxable capital gain for the year from the disposition of any such property,

     (i) where the income was income from the property, if the income was earned in respect of a period before the end of the taxation year in which the person attained the age of 21 years, and

     (ii) in any other case, if the person was less than 21 years of age during any part of the year;

You then either wait for a reply where you will get a reassessment agreeing with your objection, or you will get a Notice of Confirmation stating the Assessment is correct.
If after 90 days that you filed your Notice of Objection you still have not received an answer, you can continue to wait, or your can now file a Notice of Appeal to the Tax Court of Canada. This can be done online also and your write the same text above.
If your receive a Notice of Confirmation from the chief of Appeals, you got 90 days from the date on the Notice of Confirmation to file a Notice of Appeal to the Tax Court of Canada.

If for good reasons you have passed the 90 days for filing a Notice of Objection to the Chief of Appeals, you have 1 year from the date of the 90th day to file an Application to late file a Notice of Objection and you send that to the Chief of Appeals. In this application you indicate the reason you are late. If the reason is justified, the application will be granted, and they will consider your objection.
If your Application is not granted, you can file with the Tax Court of Canada the same Application to late file a Notice of Objection. Then a judge will decide if your reason is valid or not. If valid, the judge then issues a court order stating your application is valid and the chief of appeals is thus ordered to consider the objection.

AGM and Local Elections – May 31st

AGM and Local Elections – May 31st

Hello Toronto TSO UTE Members,

We’re excited to announce our upcoming AGM and local elections taking place Tuesday May 31st at 5:15pm. Our meetings typically run for around 2 hours with time for questions at the end. This is a great opportunity to meet your executives, and we’ll be joined by special guests from UTE as well.

Members who join for the entirety of the meeting will receive a gift card worth 40 dollars.

We are also going to be holding our local elections. If you’re considering running, please let us know in advance what position you’re interested in and we’ll add you to our voting poll. We always encourage members to participate and get involved in their union.

This event is only for Toronto TSO (formerly Toronto Centre TSO) UTE members. Registration is open now. The registration link is listed below and you’ll require a personal email address to sign up (only 1 registration per member). If you know your UTE ID number than please enter it, but it is not required.

Registration Link

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the executive with questions.

In solidarity,

UTE Local 00013

PSAC-UTE bargaining: Hours of work, remote work top priorities

PSAC-UTE bargaining: Hours of work, remote work top priorities

April 1, 2022

The PSAC-UTE bargaining team discussed key bargaining priorities including hours of work and remote work during negotiations with Canada Revenue Agency March 28-30.

Our team also tabled proposals to provide greater protection against discrimination in CRA workplaces, and to ensure mandatory training to all employees on anti-oppression and discrimination.

The team reiterated the importance of access to remote work, having previously tabled proposals to ensure that management cannot unreasonably deny remote work arrangements.

More than 33,000 PSAC-UTE members have continued to roll out historic support to Canadians throughout the pandemic. Now, our members should be able to rely on the government for a fair deal at the bargaining table.

Hours of work, vacation scheduling

The team made considerable progress on vacation leave scheduling and also discussed more options for employees who are looking for greater work-life balance during the workday, along with the proposal to provide time during working hours to members who are nursing.

The PSAC-UTE team has made proposals to provide better access to compressed work-week options, provide enhanced notice when employees’ hours are changed, and ensure employees’ years of service count for something when decisions are made concerning evening work.

During bargaining, CRA continues to push for concessions, but our team has been clear that we are interested in negotiating improvements for our members, not taking steps backwards.

Next steps and show your support

We are scheduled to return to the bargaining table in early May.

Support your bargaining team with our digital backgrounds:

  • Video background option #1 and #2 for all your work meetings

Visit the Union of Taxation Employees and PSAC websites for more information and subscribe for regular updates (UTE-SEI). If you have any questions, please contact your UTE Local.

CRA bargaining: Union pushes back against mandatory evening, weekend work

CRA bargaining: Union pushes back against mandatory evening, weekend work

February 18, 2022

Hours of work and work-life balance were critical issues for the PSAC-UTE bargaining team during negotiations with Canada Revenue Agency, February 15-17. The team placed a strong emphasis on improved hours of work and remote work options for our members employed by CRA.

Our team has made proposals that would provide for better access to compressed work week options, provide enhanced notice when employees’ hours are changed, and ensure employees’ years of service count when decisions are made concerning evening work.

CRA eyes evening and weekend work

While CRA has not tabled its proposals concerning hours of work, they did indicate an interest in moving to a model with increased evening and weekend work. CRA also expressed an interest in introducing split shifts, meaning an employee could be required to work multiple shifts per day.

These concessions would have a major impact on the lives of PSAC-UTE members and contradict our team’s proposals to improve work-life balance. The current collective agreement gives our members the right to request flexible hours, and we intend to build on that.

We can already see the employer trying to implement these concessions in the workplace. Recently, we have received reports of the employer assigning our members Saturday shifts in violation of our collective agreement. Grievances are being filed and PSAC’s legal team is considering taking CRA before the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board.

Remote work and vacation leave

We also discussed our proposals concerning vacation leave, both in terms of increasing annual leave entitlements and a simplification of the process for vacation leave scheduling. Talks are ongoing on this issue.

Lastly, we discussed remote work arrangements with the employer. In light of the shift assignment violations we are seeing in the workplace, our bargaining team reminded CRA that they cannot unilaterally introduce changes to employees’ current remote work arrangements under the law while we are in negotiations.

Next steps and show your support

The team is scheduled to return to the bargaining table the last week of March.

Support your bargaining team with our digital backgrounds:

  • Video background option #1 and #2 for all your work meetings

Visit the Union of Taxation Employees and PSAC websites for more information and subscribe for regular updates (UTE-SEI). If you have any questions, please contact your UTE Local.

Bargaining Underway with CRA

Bargaining Underway with CRA

January 14, 2022

Our PSAC-UTE bargaining team, representing more than 33,000 PSAC-UTE members working at Canada Revenue Agency, rolled out historic aid to Canadians during the pandemic in record time and have now kicked off bargaining with the employer January 11-13.

The federal government relied on PSAC-UTE members to process over 27 million CERB applications over the past two years that provided financial relief to millions of Canadians hit hardest by COVID-19 – and they delivered. Now, our members should be able to rely on this government for a fair deal at the bargaining table.

The PSAC-UTE bargaining team made it clear to the Agency they are looking to build on the gains they achieved in the last round of negotiations, and to secure a contract that recognizes the vital role they continue to play for Canadians.

PSAC-UTE objectives this round include:

  1. Work-life balance: Increased work-life balance for PSAC-UTE members at CRA is a priority. Members have gone above and beyond over the past two years. The PSAC-UTE negotiating team made it clear that employees are looking for additional paid time to take care of themselves and their families.
  2. Job security: The Agency has repeatedly tried to contract out the work of PSAC-UTE members to private firms. Research has shown that privatization and contracting out means higher costs, more risk, and reduced quality of services. PSAC-UTE will be seeking new language in the collective agreement that will protect our work and our jobs, including improvements to the Workforce Adjustment Appendix.
  3. Hours of work: The team is seeking language to further protect against evening, weekend and shift work, and greater compensation when such work is required. The team also believes that years of service should be recognized at the Agency beyond vacation accrual.
  4. Remote work: The team will be seeking better protections and rights in the context of telework and remote work. Remote work has become a part of everyday life for the vast majority of our members, and it’s time to look to the future by enshrining it into our collective agreements.

PSAC-UTE and the employer exchanged non-wage-related proposals at the table.

PSAC-UTE proposals

Canada Revenue Agency proposals

The Agency has made proposals that would water down members’ rights with respect to hours of work, leave for term employees, and access to certain leave for all employees. The team made it clear PSAC-UTE is seeking to make gains in this round and will not accept concessions at the table.

PSAC-UTE will be tabling wage proposals at a future date once they have received and analyzed employer payroll data.

PSAC-UTE is scheduled to resume negotiations in February. We’ll be sure to provide updates as we progress. As always, membership solidarity and support are the key to achieving a fair contract. Together, we can make CRA a better place to work.




August 24, 2021

In a recent meeting with PSAC and other federal public service bargaining agents, Treasury Board committed to ongoing consultation in the development of a vaccine requirement framework.

The employer has confirmed that no new policy will be implemented until after the current federal election.

PSAC remains in support of vaccination requirements to protect the health and safety of our members and their communities. Throughout the consultation process, PSAC will ensure the protection of members’ rights in the workplace, as well as their right to privacy.

We will continue to provide updates as the federal government develops its vaccination requirements plan.

UTE-SEI Local 00013 AGM

UTE-SEI Local 00013 AGM

Our first virtual Local 00013 Annual General Meeting is on May 20th at 5:15 pm.

This AGM will happen via Zoom and will not require you to turn on your camera. Please register here.

Joining us will be National President Marc Brière and Regional Vice President Ken Bye.

We will also have prizes for people who attend. Feel free to contact a member with any questions.