Phoenix Damages Taxability Communications / Documents sur le caractère imposable du dédommagement Phénix

Phoenix Damages Taxability Communications / Documents sur le caractère imposable du dédommagement Phénix

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, I have some bad news.

It looks like the federal government is moving ahead in paying the Phoenix damages on March 3, 2021 even if the CRA has not yet rendered its formal ruling.

We just received this message from PSAC. It will be posted any minute on its website and Susan Duncan will post it on our website immediately after and on our social media.

PSAC is finalizing Talking Points and a Call to Action for the members.

We will give you more information as soon as we receive it from PSAC.

In Solidarity,

Bonjour à tous,

Malheureusement, j’ai de mauvaises nouvelles.

Il semble que le gouvernement fédéral aille de l’avant en payant les dommages pour Phénix le 3 mars 2021, même si l’ARC n’a pas encore rendu sa décision formelle.

Nous venons de recevoir ce message de l’AFPC. Il sera publié sur leur site web d’une minute à l’autre et Susan Duncan l’affichera sur notre site web immédiatement après et sur nos médias sociaux.

L’AFPC est en train de finaliser des Points de discussion et un Appel à prendre action pour les membres.

Nous vous donnerons plus d’informations dès que nous les recevrons de l’AFPC.

En toute solidarité,

Marc Brière

Président national / National President
Syndicat des employé-e-s de l’Impôt / Union of Taxation Employees

Government rushing Phoenix damages payment without tax ruling 

The Liberal government has shamelessly chosen the 5th anniversary of the Phoenix pay system disaster to short-change thousands of PSAC members on their compensation for years of pay problems. 

Even though PSAC is in the process of working with CRA to review the taxability of Phoenix damages, the federal government has confirmed that it intends to ignore these efforts and issue the up to $2,500 for our members, on March 3 – with taxes deducted.

“The government still has time to do the right thing,” said PSAC National President Chris Aylward.  “General damages should not be taxed, so we’re calling on key ministers to immediately intervene to fix this before payments are issued.”

The $2,500 settlement, even if taxed, is still greater than the five days of leave offered to PSAC members, but it represents a violation of the language we negotiated into the agreement. PSAC maintains that general damages paid to all employees for ‘stress, aggravation, pain and suffering’ and for the late implementation of collective agreements are non-taxable, as CRA has acknowledged other specific damages in the settlement should be treated.

“It’s a slap in the face to the tens of thousands of PSAC members who suffered years of pay problems, and then worked non-stop during this pandemic to deliver aid and benefits to millions of Canadians in crisis,” said PSAC National President Chris Aylward.

PSAC will pursue every legal route to secure the full compensation that our members are entitled to. This includes tax challenges that would retroactively see our members reimbursed should the payments be issued as planned on March 3, but our goal remains to avoid any time-consuming and complex tax disputes for our members.

“Phoenix short-changed PSAC members for years – the last thing they deserve is for the government to short-change them again,” added Aylward.

PSAC will continue to work to resolve this problem and updates will follow in the coming days.

Caractère imposable du dédommagement Phénix : le gouvernement agit sans attendre la décision 

Pour souligner le 5e anniversaire du cauchemar Phénix, le gouvernement libéral a décidé de flouer des milliers de membres de l’AFPC en leur faisant payer de l’impôt sur un dédommagement visant à compenser tous les problèmes causés par le système de paye Phénix. C’est scandaleux!

Pourtant, l’AFPC était en pourparlers avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) au sujet du caractère imposable du dédommagement Phénix. Ne tenant pas compte de ces efforts, le gouvernement a confirmé qu’il verserait le 3 mars les indemnités, qui peuvent aller jusqu’à 2 500 $, en qu’il en déduirait de l’impôt.

« Il est encore temps pour le gouvernement de corriger le tir, déclare Chris Aylward, président national de l’AFPC. Un dédommagement, ce n’est pas imposable. C’est pourquoi nous demandons aux ministres concernés d’intervenir immédiatement pour régler la situation. »

Même avec les retenues d’impôt, le dédommagement de 2 500 $ est bien mieux que les cinq jours de congé offerts à nos membres, mais il reste que cette décision du gouvernement est contraire à ce que nous avions négocié. Pour l’AFPC, le dédommagement pour « stress, exaspération, douleur et souffrance » et pour la mise en œuvre tardive des conventions collectives doit être exempt d’impôt, ce qu’a d’ailleurs confirmé l’ARC au sujet d’autres dédommagements.

« C’est une insulte aux dizaines de milliers de membres de l’AFPC qui souffrent depuis des années à cause de Phénix et qui, malgré tout, ont travaillé sans relâche durant la pandémie pour venir en aide à des millions de Canadiens et Canadiennes », s’indigne Chris Aylward.

L’AFPC poursuivra toutes les voies légales afin d’obtenir la pleine indemnisation à laquelle nos membres ont droit. Nous entreprendrons notamment des contestations fiscales qui permettraient à nos membres d’être remboursés rétroactivement si les paiements étaient versés comme prévu le 3 mars. Nous espérons toutefois éviter de longs et complexes litiges fiscaux.

« Phénix a pénalisé les membres de l’AFPC pendant des années. Ils ne méritent vraiment pas que le gouvernement les pénalise à nouveau », ajoute Chris Aylward.

L’AFPC continuera de travailler à résoudre ce problème et fera le point dans les prochains jours.

Call To Action Link & Link to Thursday’s Town Hall

Call To Action Link & Link to Thursday’s Town Hall

Outsourcing starting THIS MONTH

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Thanks to the hundreds of you that watched the townhall live Thursday night and the hundreds of you that have already clicked our “Save Our Jobslink and took that incredibly effective & simple action within the first 24 hours.

Now is the time to keep taking action!

If you haven’t, please take action right now. It can save hundreds and thousands of jobs later.
If you haven’t yet, please forward this call to action to anyone you know (coworkers, family & friends) who want to help save our jobs and protect our families:”

If you haven’t yet, please forward this call to action to anyone you know working for CRA anywhere across Canada:

Let our MPs do what we elected them to do… FIGHT FOR US! FIGHT FOR OUR JOBS! FIGHT FOR OUR FAMILIES!

Click the link above to let your MP, the Minister of National Revenue and the Commissioner of CRA know that their praise and thank yous for all of us who helped Canada and Canadians when they needed us most last year are hollow words when they start outsourcing our jobs THIS MONTH! Less than one year later!

Shame on them!

TO WATCH Thursday’s townhall again and hear the powerful words shared by our union leaders and get some answers click HERE (The above Call to Action link is also in this YouTube link when you click on “more”).

Protect your job!

Protect your family!

Help your community grow with union jobs, union wages & union benefits!


In solidarity,
Your UTE Local 00001 Executives and Stewards

Stop CRA Outsourcing: We Are Fighting Back!

Stop CRA Outsourcing: We Are Fighting Back!

We are fighting back! We cannot allow the CRA to outsource union work. Last night we hosted a townhall with PSAC National President Chris Aylward, UTE National President Marc Briere, and MP Matthew Green, Critic of Public Services.

Brother Aylward said the outsourcing action doesn’t make any sense as it’s about 130 agents being outsourced, which will not have a significant impact on the service level. He has committed to putting the PSAC’s full weight on this campaign.

Locally, your Greater Toronto Region UTE; Toronto North, Toronto East, Toronto Center, Toronto West, and Barrie have mounted a campaign with the support of UTE Regional, National, and the PSAC to stop the dangerous action.

The call to action is simple but very effective, click the link to send an email to your MP, the Minister of National Revenue, and the Commissioner of the CRA. It takes less than 30 seconds. Within hours, hundreds of you have already sent letters, we need this to be thousands and thousands.

Members must do their part to demonstrate that employees do not accept this union-busting action. PSAC and UTE are doing their part to combat this and together our efforts can stop this. We are calling on all members to complete this call to action.

Please consider sharing this with your friends and family to sign, it is important that they too know about what is taking place in CRA and that the people on the other end of the phone could now be a third-party company and not CRA Agents.


View Townhall

In solidarity,

Your GTR Presidents

Please add your voice here:

If you would like to view the Townhall from last night, click here:

Link for Townhall TONIGHT

Link for Townhall TONIGHT

Thank you to the hundreds of members across the country that registered for this townhall. Members are not happy about the CRA’s outsourcing plans. We have received your questions will be answering them and issuing a call to action.

Please join us!

On Monday afternoon, CRA announced the outsourcing of over one hundred call centre jobs. All CRA call centre jobs until now have been our jobs. Jobs that support us and our families! What CRA is doing is unprecedented and is no doubt the tip of the iceberg.

130 UTE jobs this month, all 28,000 in no time.

This is no different than scab labor coming in during a strike to break a union. Urgent action is needed by all of us now to stop it before it starts.

You can learn how to take that action, ask questions and learn more about why we need to stop this dead in its tracks before it starts at the town hall.

This short live one-hour town hall will be tomorrow night, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021 from 7:00-8:00 PM EST. All UTE locals are invited.

To ask questions you can:
  1. Send them in with your RSVP to be able to ask them anonymously.
  2. Login to YouTube tomorrow night and ask your questions live.

In Solidarity,

Your Greater Toronto Region UTE Presidents

“Call to Action: Stop CRA’s Announced Outsourcing!” town hall – Thursday, Feb. 4th, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM. RSVP ASAP!

“Call to Action: Stop CRA’s Announced Outsourcing!” town hall – Thursday, Feb. 4th, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM. RSVP ASAP!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On Monday afternoon, CRA announced the outsourcing of over one hundred call centre jobs. All CRA call centre jobs until now have been our jobs.
Jobs that support us and our families!

What CRA is doing is unprecedented and is no doubt the tip of the iceberg.

130 UTE jobs this month, all 28,000 in no time.

This is no different than scab labour coming in during a strike to break a union. Urgent action is needed by all of us now to stop it before it starts.

You can learn how to take that action, ask questions and learn more about why we need to stop this dead in its tracks before it starts at the town hall.

Click on the link below to RSVP now!

This short live one hour town hall will be tomorrow night (Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021 from 7:00-8:00 PM).

You can watch anonymously by using the attached link.

To ask questions you can:
  1. Send them in with your RSVP to be able to ask them anonymously.
  2. Login to YouTube tomorrow night and ask your questions live.

Click on the link below to RSVP now!

In solidarity,

Your GTR local UTE Presidents

Additional resources for the CRA and contracting out/Des ressources supplémentaires pour l’ARC et de la sous-traitance


Additional resources for the CRA and contracting out

February 1, 2021

By now, you may have read the press release from the Minister of National Revenue and an email to all call centre employees announcing measures to be taken by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to deal with tax and benefit information concerning the emergency benefits and other matters related to the tax filing season.

In anticipation of higher than normal call volumes this upcoming tax season, the CRA has secured additional funding to improve taxpayer service. With this increased funding, the Agency has advised us that they will supplement the number of call centre agents by hiring more than 2,000 new employees. The Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) welcomes this news and has advocated for many years now that additional resourcing was necessary in call centres.

In the same breath, the Agency has also advised us that they will be outsourcing to a third party service provider to assist in answering general enquiries about emergency benefits, but they have reassured us that the employees of this third party will not have access to taxpayers’ personal information. Notwithstanding these assurances, UTE is not confident that some taxpayers may not release personal information to the employees of the third party service provider.

UTE first learned of these developments in a short phone call conversation with Headquarters’ representatives of the CRA on December 21, 2020 and a meeting for January 8, 2021 was scheduled to further discuss this matter. During this meeting, we vigorously voiced our objections to the contracting out of this function and advocated a number of options including the hiring of additional staff equivalent to the resources needed by the third party to provide this service or utilize term employees who were on rehire lists from other branches. The employer agreed to consider these suggestions and to get back to us. Two meetings were set and ultimately postponed by the employer until, on Friday January 29, 2021, we were asked to attend an emergency meeting this morning.

During this morning’s meeting, we were advised that despite our objections, the Agency has nevertheless decided to outsource this function and that the Minister of National Revenue would be issuing a press release at 2:00 p.m. today to make this announcement. Again, UTE made it very clear that we did not support the outsourcing of this workload.

The Agency insists that they have considered our suggestions, but that they have rejected them as they state that the call centres are unable to absorb the number of employees required to respond to the increased calls with respect to the emergency benefits. While the Agency has stated that it is unable to provide the precise number of employees that will be hired by the third party, as the external service provider will solely determine the number of employees it will require to meet the terms of the contract, the Agency anticipates that approximately 130 employees will be required to provide this service and we are convinced that the employer should be able to easily absorb such a small number of employees within the current call center organization.

UTE strongly opposes any form of contracting out of our members’ work and we remain convinced that taxpayers would best be served by employees of the CRA who report directly to the Agency. We also maintain that our members, who are employees of the CRA, have the necessary security and reliability requirements, as opposed to the lesser requirements that will be imposed on the third party service provider.

We are currently considering our options to address this matter and will be discussing the issue with the PSAC, who is the bargaining agent. We will also continue to exert pressure on the employer to give further consideration to using internal employees should the emergency benefits be again extended.

In Solidarity,

Marc Brière
National President


Des ressources supplémentaires pour l’ARC et de la sous-traitance

1 février 2021

À cette heure-ci, vous avez peut-être déjà lu le communiqué de presse émis par la ministre du Revenu national et un courriel adressé à tous les employés des centres d’appels annonçant les mesures que doit prendre l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) pour traiter les informations relatives à l’impôt et aux prestations concernant les prestations d’urgence et d’autres questions liées à la saison des déclarations de revenus.

En prévision d’un volume d’appels plus élevé que la normale au cours de la prochaine saison fiscale, l’ARC a obtenu des fonds supplémentaires pour améliorer le service aux contribuables. Grâce à ce financement accru, l’Agence nous a informés qu’elle accroîtra le nombre d’agents dans les centres d’appels en embauchant plus de 2 000 nouveaux employés. Le Syndicat des employé-e-s de l’Impôt (SEI) se réjouit de cette nouvelle et fait valoir depuis de nombreuses années que des ressources supplémentaires sont nécessaires dans les centres d’appels.

Dans la même veine, l’Agence nous a également informés qu’elle confiera à un tiers fournisseur de services la tâche d’aider à répondre aux demandes de renseignements généraux concernant les prestations d’urgence, mais elle nous a assurés que les employés de ce tiers-parti n’auront pas accès aux informations personnelles des contribuables. Malgré ces garanties, le SEI n’est pas convaincu que certains contribuables ne communiqueront pas d’informations personnelles aux employés du tiers fournisseur de services.

Le SEI a pris connaissance de ces développements lors d’une brève conversation téléphonique avec les représentants de l’administration centrale de l’ARC le 21 décembre 2020 et une réunion a été prévue pour le 8 janvier 2021 afin de discuter davantage de cette question. Au cours de cette réunion, nous avons vigoureusement exprimé nos objections à la sous-traitance de cette charge de travail et avons proposé un certain nombre d’options, notamment l’embauche de personnel supplémentaire équivalent aux ressources nécessaires au tiers-parti pour fournir ce service ou l’utilisation d’employés à durée déterminée figurant sur les listes de réembauche d’autres directions générales. L’employeur a accepté d’examiner ces suggestions et d’en rediscuter. Deux réunions ont été fixées et finalement reportées par l’employeur jusqu’à ce que, le vendredi 29 janvier 2021, on nous demande d’assister à une réunion d’urgence ce matin.

Au cours de la réunion de ce matin, nous avons été informés qu’en dépit de nos objections, l’Agence a tout de même décidé de confier cette charge de travail à un tiers fournisseur de services et que la ministre du Revenu national publierait un communiqué de presse à 14 heures aujourd’hui pour en faire l’annonce. Une fois de plus, le SEI a fait savoir très clairement que nous n’étions pas favorables à la sous-traitance de cette charge de travail.

L’Agence insiste sur le fait qu’elle a pris en compte nos suggestions, mais qu’elle les a rejetées car elle affirme que les centres d’appels ne sont pas en mesure d’absorber le nombre d’employés requis pour répondre à l’augmentation des appels en ce qui concerne les prestations d’urgence. Bien que l’Agence ait déclaré qu’elle n’est pas en mesure de fournir le nombre précis d’employés qui seront engagés par le tiers-parti, car le fournisseur de service externe déterminera lui-même le nombre d’employés dont il aura besoin pour respecter les termes du contrat, l’Agence prévoit qu’il faudra environ 130 employés pour fournir ce service et nous sommes convaincus que l’employeur devrait pouvoir absorber facilement un si petit nombre d’employés au sein de l’organisation actuelle des centres d’appels.

Le SEI s’oppose fermement à toute forme de sous-traitance du travail de nos membres et nous restons convaincus que les contribuables seraient mieux servis par les employés de l’ARC qui relèvent directement de l’Agence. Nous soutenons également que nos membres, qui sont des employés de l’ARC, possèdent les exigences requises en matière de sécurité et de fiabilité, contrairement aux exigences moindres qui seront imposées au tiers fournisseur de services.

Nous examinons actuellement les options qui s’offrent à nous concernant cet enjeu et nous en discuterons avec l’AFPC, qui est l’agent négociateur. Nous continuerons également à faire pression sur l’employeur afin qu’il envisage de recourir à des employés à l’interne si les prestations d’urgence sont à nouveau prolongées.

En toute solidarité,

Marc Brière
Président national




January 13, 2021

Treasury Board has provided PSAC with a letter from CRA setting out its preliminary view that the general damages in the Phoenix settlement agreement are taxable. This letter, which was prepared at Treasury Board’s request and without PSAC’s input, is not a formal tax ruling and PSAC is contesting this conclusion.

PSAC maintains that general damages paid to all employees for “stress, aggravation, and pain and suffering” and for the late implementation of collective agreements are non-taxable, as CRA has acknowledged other specific damages in the settlement should be treated.

We carefully negotiated an agreement that reflects a wide range of impacts suffered by PSAC members, including the significant emotional toll that the implementation of the Phoenix Pay System had on them. The tax treatment of the general damages should reflect the purpose of that compensation. The letter from CRA contains numerous critical factual errors and misapplies the relevant income tax principles on this issue.

We have communicated with both Treasury Board and the CRA about our concerns and will continue to work to resolve these issues. Our goal is to ensure PSAC members receive the full compensation they deserve and that we avoid any time consuming and complex tax disputes for individual members.

The resolution of these issues is of extreme importance to PSAC and we will continue to update members as we work to bring this to a conclusion. We will also update members as soon as we receive a projected timeline from Treasury Board as to when members can expect to receive their payments.



December 15, 2020

As you are likely aware, a new collective agreement was negotiated with the Canada Revenue Agency. The new agreement was signed on November 13, 2020, and covers the period from November 1, 2016, to October 31, 2021, inclusively.

The new collective agreement is now available electronically on the UTE’s website. It is also available through the employer at InfoZone and

While no amendments were made to clause 10.02 of the collective agreement, the parties did agree, however, to establish a committee to consider alternatives to the printing of approximately 30,000 copies of the collective agreement within the parameters of sustainable development objectives.

Clause 10.02 reads as follows:

  • The Employer agrees to supply each employee with a copy of this Agreement and will endeavour to do so within one (1) month after receipt from the printer.”

In light of this commitment, the parties have agreed to recommend the use of the electronic version of the new collective agreement.

Notwithstanding this commitment, some members may wish to receive a printed version of the collective agreement. Clause 10.02 above allows for these members to receive a printed copy, at their discretion.

For those members, a printed version is available through a pre-order request via the employer’s Forms and Publications Order Service site where they can select the RC-4208-REV 2020 (collective agreement) which will be available in English or French format, depending on the member’s preference. Upon submitting a pre-order request, individuals will receive a message indicating that the requested product will be shipped at a later date. Please note that printing will be based on the number of requests, and agreements are expected to be available for home delivery early in 2021.

Members will be able to place an order for a printed copy through the employer’s site during a pre-set ordering window from December 15, 2020 to January 22, 2021. After that date, members who have not placed their order will be deemed to have chosen to use the electronic version of the collective agreement.

For UTE local representatives and Regional Vice-Presidents, we have advised the employer that they will require printed copies in order to fulfill their roles in meetings with managers, meetings with members during the grievance process and other such activities.

We strongly encourage all of our members to familiarize themselves with their collective agreement, including but not limited to the recent changes negotiated during the last round of bargaining to understand their rights and the employer’s obligations concerning their terms and conditions of employment.

In closing, we also encourage members to raise any issues or questions they may have with one of their local UTE representatives.


15 décembre 2020

Comme vous le savez sans doute, une nouvelle convention collective a été négociée avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada. La nouvelle convention a été signée le 13 novembre 2020 et couvre la période allant du 1er novembre 2016 au 31 octobre 2021, inclusivement.

La nouvelle convention collective est désormais disponible en version électronique sur le site web du SEI. Elle est également disponible par l’intermédiaire de l’employeur sur InfoZone et à

Bien qu’aucune modification n’ait été apportée au paragraphe 10.02 de la convention collective, les parties ont toutefois convenu de créer un comité chargé d’étudier des solutions de rechange à l’impression d’environ 30 000 exemplaires de la convention collective dans une perspective de développement durable.

Le paragraphe 10.02 est libellé comme suit :

  • « L’Employeur convient de fournir à chaque employé un exemplaire de la présente convention et s’efforcera de le faire au cours du mois qui suit sa réception de l’imprimeur. »

Compte tenu de cet engagement, les parties ont convenu de recommander l’utilisation de la version électronique de la nouvelle convention collective.

Nonobstant cet engagement, certains membres pourraient souhaiter recevoir une version imprimée de la convention collective. Le paragraphe 10.02 ci-dessus permet à ces membres de recevoir une copie imprimée, à leur discrétion.

Pour ces membres, une version imprimée est disponible sur demande préalable via le site du Service de commande de formulaires et de publications de l’employeur où ils peuvent sélectionner le RC-4208-REV 2020 (convention collective) qui sera disponible en format anglais ou français, selon la préférence du membre. En soumettant une demande de précommande, les personnes recevront un message indiquant que le produit demandé sera expédié à une date ultérieure. Veuillez noter que l’impression se fera en fonction du nombre de demandes et que les conventions devraient être disponibles pour une livraison à domicile au début de 2021.

Les membres pourront commander un exemplaire imprimé par l’intermédiaire du site de l’employeur pendant une période de commande prédéfinie allant du 15 décembre 2020 au 22 janvier 2021. Après cette date, les membres qui n’auront pas passé leur commande seront réputés avoir choisi d’utiliser la version électronique de la convention collective.

Pour les représentants locaux et les Vice-présidents régionaux du SEI, nous avons informé l’employeur qu’ils auront besoin de copies imprimées afin de pouvoir remplir leur rôle lors des réunions avec les gestionnaires, des réunions avec les membres pendant la procédure de règlement des griefs et d’autres activités de ce type.

Nous encourageons vivement tous nos membres à se familiariser avec leur convention collective, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, avec les récents changements négociés lors du dernier cycle de négociation afin de comprendre leurs droits et les obligations de l’employeur concernant leurs conditions d’emploi.

En conclusion, nous encourageons également les membres à soulever tout problème ou question qu’ils pourraient avoir avec un de leurs représentants locaux du SEI.




December 10, 2020

On this day, December 10, 2020, a day recognized by the United Nations as Human Rights Day, the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) joins with the bargaining agent, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), in support of  the legal action taken on behalf of nearly 30,000 past and present federal public service workers who identify as Black, Caribbean or of African descent.

As you may be aware, the PSAC intends to serve as an intervener in the class action lawsuit filed against the Government of Canada by Black public service workers who have been subjected to discriminatory hiring and promotional practices.

The class action, which has been filed with the Federal Court of Canada, argues that Black employee exclusion has led to economic and psychological harm for thousands of public service workers since the 1970s. The claim calls on the federal government to implement a plan to truly diversify the federal public service and provide restitution to tens of thousands of Black public service workers.

While this class action was advanced independently from the Union, our support of this legal action is well within the spirit and principles of our ongoing battle against racism, including the pursuit of the end of these practices and the resolution and remedy for our members as a result of these practices.

The federal government has acknowledged that systemic racism is prevalent in Canadian society and within government institutions. While this is not news to UTE, we are pleased with this acknowledgement as a first step and we embrace an opportunity to join with our Black members in an effort to identify solutions to remedy the injustices and systemic discrimination that they have had to endure.

In solidarity,

Marc Brière
National President