Ratification Voting Information

Ratification Voting Information (Voting Timeframe Now Open)

Members are invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details for votes in the Ontario region are below. Please check back frequently for the most up-to-date information.

Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) for voting will be sent to your personal email address (if we have one on file) or to your home mailing address, and should arrive the week of August 24th. Please check your junk email bin, looking for key words “vote”, “Intelivote” or “PSAC” if it hasn’t arrived in your inbox August 24th.

You must register for a webinar with a personal email. If you do not have a personal email address please contact the Regional Office using the enquiry email or telephone number associated with your bargaining unit in the tables below. The Regional Office will assist you with registering for a webinar.

Registering with a work email will result in your registration being denied, and you will be asked to re-register.

Note: Members must register individually for a webinar even if you reside in the same household with other bargaining unit members.

The Online Ratification vote schedule is now up and the timeframe has opened. You may register for the dates noted below or scroll down to the CRA schedule at The Treasury Board and Agency Vote Schedule

CRA Schedule (Thursdays and Saturday September 19th)


Enquiries: vote2020_SUD@psac-afpc.com or 705-419-2591

August 27th

September 3rd

September 10th

September 17th

September 19th (Saturday)

September 24th

12:30 pm

Register Here

12:30 pm

Register Here

12:30 pm

Register Here

12:30 pm

Register Here

11:00 am

Register Here

12:30 pm

Register Here

7:00 pm

Register Here

7:00 pm

Register Here

7:00 pm

Register Here

7:00 pm

Register Here

4:00 pm

Register Here

7:00 pm

Register Here

PSAC-UTE ratification kit now available/ La trousse de ratification est maintenant disponible

PSAC-UTE ratification kit, including the full text of the agreement, now available

Négo avec l’ARC : La trousse de ratification est maintenant disponible

On July 25, the PSAC-UTE bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with the Canada Revenue Agency. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit, which includes the full text of the tentative agreement, is now available for download.

Members are invited to participate in the online ratification process.

FAQ: PSAC-UTE tentative agreement with CRA

Le 25 juillet, notre équipe de négociation a réussi à conclure une entente de principe avec l’Agence du revenu du Canada. Elle vous recommande à l’unanimité d’accepter cette entente.

La trousse de ratification qui comprend le texte complet de l’accord de principe est maintenant disponible pour téléchargement.

Les membres sont invités à participer au processus de ratification en ligne.

Foire aux questions sur l’entente de principe entre l’AFPC-SEI et l’AR

Read on psacunion.ca

Lire sur syndicatafpc.ca

Ratification vote / Vote de ratification

English version   *** La version française suit ***



Hello Sisters and Brothers,


The PSAC just published a message to the members on its website regarding ratification vote and what they need to do to be eligible to vote.


The webinars (information and question and answer sessions) for members regarding the tentative agreement will be held from Monday, August 24 to Friday, September 25 inclusively.


The voting period will also begin on Monday, August 24th and end on Tuesday, September 29th.


I would like to remind you that in order to ensure that members are fully informed prior to casting their ballot, the PSAC Constitution requires all members to attend an information session before they vote for a new collective agreement.


For more information on the ratification vote process, please refer to the PSAC message: http://psacunion.ca/ratification-votes-what-you-need-know


UTE will also post this message on its website next Monday.


At my request, CRA will also send an email message on this subject to all our members early next week. In fact, it will be sent to all CRA employees.


In Solidarity,





Version française *** The English version precedes ***



Bonjour consoeurs et confrères,


L’AFPC vient tout juste de publier un message aux membres sur son site Internet concernant le vote de ratification et ce qu’il faut faire pour avoir le droit de voter.


Les webinaires (séances d’information et de questions et réponses) à l’intention des membres concernant l’entente de principe se tiendront à compter du lundi 24 août jusqu’au vendredi 25 septembre inclusivement.


La période de vote commencera également lundi le 24 août et se terminera mardi le 29 septembre.


J’aimerais vous rappeler qu’afin de s’assurer que les membres sont pleinement informés avant de voter, les statuts de l’AFPC exigent que tous les membres assistent à une séance d’information avant de voter pour une nouvelle convention collective.


Pour obtenir plus de renseignements concernant le processus de vote de ratification, veuillez s’il vous plaît vous référer au message de l’AFPC : http://syndicatafpc.ca/votes-ratification-ce-quil-faut-savoir?_ga=2.221189019.2094060294.1596824062-163425581.1575506994


Le SEI publiera également ce message sur son site Internet lundi prochain.


À ma demande, l’ARC enverra aussi un message par courriel à ce sujet à l’intention de tous nos membres en début de semaine prochaine. En fait, il sera envoyé à tous les employés de l’ARC.


En toute solidarité,




Marc Brière

Président national / National President

Syndicat des employé-e-s de l’Impôt / Union of Taxation Employees



Tonight (July 25th) – Town Hall on Major Deal Reached – 7PM

Join Toronto North tonight, July 25, 2020 at 7 pm for an impromptu town hall on the major deal reached by PSAC-UTE and the CRA. Joining the conversation will be Brother Adam Jackson, UTE’s Vice President for Bargaining.

Brother Jackson will also answer any questions that you may have. All UTE members are invited, including those from other Locals so please share this poster. Once the stream starts, you can post your questions and comments in the comments field, which will then be read and projected on the screen.

Full Details

Live Here at 7PM

Deal reached for PSAC-UTE members


Deal reached for PSAC-UTE members

In a victory for members at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) who have gone above and beyond to support Canadians during this pandemic, PSAC-UTE has reached a tentative agreement that provides fair wages, no concessions and improved working conditions.

In addition to these successful talks, PSAC-UTE members will also be awarded a Phoenix damages settlement to compensate members for the pain and suffering caused by the broken pay system. Please see the UTE website for more on the Phoenix settlement signed with the CRA.

Wage settlement

The PSAC-UTE bargaining team successfully secured fair wage increases and wage adjustment averaging at 2.07% per year.

Total economic increases with full retroactivity:











Economic increase breakdown

PSAC-UTE members will receive the following wage increases:











In addition to those wage increases, the following wage adjustments were also obtained:





Lump sum payments

  • A one-time lump sum payment of $400 to each employee in the bargaining unit on the date of signing of the collective agreement
  • A one-time payment of $500 in recognition of the extended collective agreement implementation deadline and an additional $50 for every subsequent 90-day delay

Term employees to become permanent after 3 years

In tandem with our settlement at the bargaining table, the CRA has agreed with UTE to modify its term roll-over policy. Term employees will no longer have to wait 5 years for permanency. Term employees shall now be made permanent after 3 years of employment with the CRA. Further details will follow soon.

Other improvements

  • New scheduling appendix for call centre employees: The CRA must now solicit volunteers for evening work during tax season and distribute such hours to volunteers on an equitable basis
  • New article for call-centre employees: For the first time, the collective agreement establishes minimum standards of work for our members who work in call centres. This breakthrough provides five consecutive minutes off the phone per hour for these employees. In addition, the employer has agreed that call monitoring is to be used for guidance and feedback while a new joint union-management committee is to be established to ensure that fair and transparent guidelines are put in place with respect to call monitoring in CRA call centres
  • New paid domestic violence leave of 10 days
  • Inclusion of step-brother, step-sister, daughter-in-law and son-in-law in the definition of family
  • Better language on return to work following a maternity or parental leave, giving more flexibility to parents who wish to change positions within the federal public service
  • Improvements to parental leave pay
    • Updated language to match the new legislation including a new extended leave option and the sharing of parental leave
    • Expanded supplementary allowance for every week an employee is on extended or shared parental leave
    • Additional weeks for parents covered under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan, when both parents work in the public service
    • Update of language to account for new legislation reducing the waiting period for employment insurance to one week from two weeks
  • Updated and improved language to match new legislation on compassionate care and caregiving leave
  • Better language to allow the use of employer facilities for union activities, plus a written commitment from the CRA to continue discussions with the union on the issue of union access to the workplace
  • Changes to workforce adjustment what represent the most significant improvements since it was first signed as an appendix in the collective agreement:
    • Reduction involuntary layoffs by allowing volunteers to come forward to leave the public service during times of workforce adjustment
    • Improvements to the alternation process
    • More union involvement, ensuring employees have the right to union representation during a WFA
    • Improvements to the monetary provisions, including the education allowance, the counselling allowance, and the transition support measure
  • Increased flexibility for employees to submit vacation leave requests: The employer must now respond to employee vacation leave requests within fifteen days
  • Increase in maternity related reassignment or leave qualification from 24 to 78 weeks following the birth of a child
  • Broadening of the definition of family with the addition of a person who stands in place of a relative for:
    • Leave without pay for the care of the family
    • Bereavement leave
    • Leave with pay for family-related responsibilities
  • There is no longer a cap of 7.5 hours for the employee to use family-related responsibilities leave to attend school functions
  • Bereavement leave was formerly for seven consecutive calendar days. Now an employee can split it into two periods so that they can access some days at the time of death and other days at a later period (but within 12 months) for the purpose of attending a memorial or ceremony
  • Ability to take a leave without pay for personal needs twice instead of once during the employee’s total period of employment in the public service
  • Expansion of travelling time eligible for overtime pay from twelve to fifteen hours
  • An increase in meal allowance for overtime from $10 to $12
  • A new leave provision for members elected to union leadership
  • Expansion of leave with pay for employees involved in staffing processes
  • Union member participation in collective bargaining and certain Labour Board proceedings no longer subject to operational requirements
  • Expansion of bargaining unit information to be provided to union on a quarterly basis
  • Extension of previous incentives for SP-04, SP-05 and SP-06 working at the Compensation Client Service Centres and performing duties that are directly linked to pay operations and transactions at the Agency (the MOU outside the collective agreement is extended to September 1, 2020 including one-time $4,000 incentive payment upon hiring and double overtime)

Full text and next steps

We will share the final text and full details of the tentative agreement as soon as it becomes available. Shortly thereafter, PSAC-UTE members will be invited to participate in online ratification votes. Details about the votes will be shared as soon as possible.

Our bargaining team unanimously recommends the ratification of the tentative agreement.

To ensure that you receive all updates and can participate in the ratification process, please ensure that you have either updated your contact information on PSAC’s member portal, or that you create an account if you have not done so already.

Webinar: An Introduction to Antiracism for White Folks



July 14, 2020

Good morning Sisters and Brothers,

The PSAC has developed a webinar entitled “An Introduction to Antiracism for White Folks”. This webinar is aimed at all white PSAC members, but anyone who wishes to attend is welcome! 

I think this is a great initiative and I strongly encourage you to register for this webinar.

There will be sessions in English on Monday, July 20 and in French on Tuesday, July 21.

For more information, please see the PSAC’s message below.

Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Marc Brière's signature

Marc Brière
UTE National President

PSAC National Education Webinar

An Introduction to Antiracism for White Folks

A conversation between Paige Galette and Nora Loreto

Scholar and activist Angela Y. Davis has said that in a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist. We must be antiracist.

Join activists Paige Galette and Nora Loreto for a conversation in which they address the following questions:

  • What is the difference between non-racism and anti-racism?
  • What is white people’s role in the fight against racism?

There will also be time for questions.

English: Monday, July 20 at 4PM PST / 7PM EST / 8PM ADT.

French : Tuesday, July 21 at 4PM PST / 7PM EST / 8PM ADT.

This webinar is aimed at white members but is open to anyone who’s interested in attending!

Members of other unions and those interested in the subject are also welcome to attend.

Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/768130226381058574

If you’d prefer to participate in the FRENCH VERSION of this webinar go to: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4427085021296553996

About the featured speakers

Haitian, activist and feminist, Paige Galette is passionately involved in political movements fighting for social justice; the labour movement, Women’s movement, Queer movement and the Black liberation. Paige’s essay “From Cheechako to Sourdough: Reflections on Northern Living and Surviving, While Being Black” is featured in the book Until We Are Free: Reflections on Black Lives Matter in Canada (Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson, Syrus Marcus Ware).

Nora Loreto is the editor of the Canadian Association of Labour Media. She is a writer and activist based in Quebec City and co-hosts the podcast Sandy and Nora Talk Politics with Sandy Hudson.


Bargaining with CRA will resume next week/ Les négociations avec l’ARC reprendront la semaine prochaine

Bargaining with CRA will resume next week

Contract negotiations for nearly 30,000 PSAC-UTE members at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) have been briefly delayed but are set to resume on Tuesday July 14th.

Please be sure to go to ute-sei.org and psacunion.ca to subscribe for regular email updates.


Les négociations avec l’ARC reprendront la semaine prochaine

Les négociations contractuelles pour près de 30 000 membres de l’AFPC-SEI à l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) ont été brièvement retardées mais doivent reprendre mardi le 14 juillet.

Pour ne rien manquer, rendez-vous à ute-sei.org et à syndicatafpc.ca et abonnez-vous à notre liste de diffusion.

PSAC secures improved Phoenix damages settlement


PSAC secures improved Phoenix damages settlement

PSAC has reached an equitable settlement for 140,000 federal public service workers for compensation due to Phoenix damages.

When PSAC rejected the government’s meagre Phoenix settlement offer last year, it was for two important reasons: five days of cashable leave was far too little to compensate for the enormous damage caused by the faulty pay system; and it was not an equitable solution for everyone as it rewarded the highest earners and punished those with lower wages when cashed out.

PSAC is pleased to have negotiated a new Phoenix damages agreement which replaces five days of leave with a $2,500 lump sum payment to be distributed to all of our eligible members who have been directly or indirectly impacted by the Phoenix pay system. This new agreement is a substantial improvement from the one negotiated by other federal bargaining agents.

This new agreement will help make our members whole for over four years of hardships caused by the Phoenix pay system. The agreement has three main elements:

  1. General damages compensation for all (i.e.: the $2,500 lump sum);

  1. An improvement to the current claims process for out-of-pocket expenses and financial losses;

  1. Compensation for severe impacts and other demonstrable cases.

1. General damages compensation

This part of the agreement covers general damages for all our members employed by the federal public service between 2016 to 2020. It includes compensation for the late implementation of collective agreements during those years due to the Phoenix pay system. Entitlement to compensation is as follows:









All PSAC members of the federal government paid by the Phoenix pay system are eligible to receive this financial compensation. A member is eligible for the designated amount as long as they were employed on an indeterminate basis, or were a term for more than 3 months, and worked one full day during the fiscal year of the claim.

Former federal government employees, or their estates, will also be eligible to file a claim requesting their full Phoenix settlement amount.

We believe that this compensation for pain and suffering should be tax free. However, we will have to await a formal ruling from the Canada Revenue Agency.

2. Claims process for expenses and financial losses

Members who have already submitted claims for out-of-pocket expenses and financial losses due to Phoenix should continue with the claims process. The government will continue to process these claims as they are received.

3. Damages for severe impacts and other demonstrable cases

PSAC members who have suffered severe losses due to the Phoenix pay system, such as major financial losses (cars, homes, investments etc.), and longer-term impacts like ruined credit ratings, will be entitled to claim damages.

A member who has incurred a loss that exceeds $1,500 in value can make a claim for major financial hardship or mental anguish caused by the Phoenix pay system that includes, but is not limited to:

  • accumulated interest on outstanding amounts for loans, mortgages, credit card or other debts due to delayed severance or pension payments, or missing pay;

  • use of sick leave or other paid or unpaid leave for illness (the $1,500 threshold does not apply in this case);

  • loss of security clearance due to bankruptcy or credit rating;

  • forced resignation from the public service because of financial hardship;

  • mental anguish and trauma that interfered with their ability to lead a normal life, whether solely or in part by the Phoenix pay system;

  • financial losses from cashing-in public investments or RRSPs due to unpaid earnings.

The government is in the process of setting up a new claims office for damages for severe impacts and other demonstrable cases following the signing of this agreement.

Please note that this agreement only covers damages up until December 2020. PSAC reserves the right to pursue damages for future years of hardships.

What about Phoenix-related grievances?

PSAC’s Phoenix settlement agreement covers overall damages, therefore all grievances related to general damages or late implementation of collective agreements will be considered resolved. However, grievances that were filled prior to this agreement that involved catastrophic loss and other hardships that were either denied or fall outside of this agreement will continue to be pursued by your union.

If a member files a Phoenix claim for damages for severe impacts and other demonstrable cases and is denied in whole or in part, they may grieve the denied portion. All grievances filed before and after this agreement will be subject to the remedies outlined in the settlement.

Full text and additional details

When the full text and details of the agreement are ready for distribution, PSAC will make them available to all members. We will also provide additional information regarding expected timelines and other considerations as soon as possible.




July 8, 2020

Contract negotiations for nearly 30,000 PSAC-UTE members at the Canada Revenue Agency were scheduled to resume July 7 but have now been briefly delayed while talks for the Program & Administrative (PA Group) under Treasury Board continue.

PA Group contract negotiations for over 70,000 PSAC members have been underway since June 23 and have taken longer than expected. The new negotiation session between our PSAC-UTE bargaining team and the CRA will begin as soon as the PA negotiation session concludes. 

We will notify all PSAC-UTE members once their bargaining teams are back at the table this week.

Please be sure to go to ute-sei.org and psacunion.ca to subscribe for regular email updates.