

Negotiations are set to resume for nearly 30,000 PSAC-UTE members who have been without a contract for almost four years. Canada Revenue Agency has agreed to return to the bargaining table the week of July 6 in the wake of ongoing pressure from our members.

PSAC-UTE members have played a pivotal role during the pandemic, going above and beyond to provide emergency financial assistance to millions of Canadians during peak tax season. Members have been working day and night from their homes—often while also juggling family obligations—to provide support on an historic scale.

At the end of April, a Public Interest Commission (PIC) released recommendations for a settlement for PSAC-UTE members. The Commission sided with several union proposals, including:

  • Addressing the wage disparity with our co-workers in the Audit, Financial and Scientific (AFS) group; management cannot simply offer us the wage pattern achieved by the PA group under Treasury Board for the 2016-18 period.
  • Recognizing that management may have to move on “one or more of the issues” related to working conditions in call centres raised by the union in order to reach a settlement.
  • Adopting improved definitions of “family” and “travelling time”.
  • Acknowledging there is no valid reason for management to oppose seniority recognition for scheduling evening and weekend work.
  • Reimbursing medical certificates that management requests from employees.
  • Allowing union officials access to CRA facilities without unreasonable denials from the employer.

Our bargaining team also remains committed to our proposal to allow term employees the opportunity to gain indeterminate status rather than spending years on short-term contracts.

Since the PIC report, thousands of PSAC-UTE members have called and emailed Treasury Board President Jean-Yves Duclos and Minister of National Revenue Diane Lebouthillier to pressure the employer back to the bargaining table.

The Agency must now be prepared to return to the table ready to address the key concerns as per the Public Interest Commission’s recommendations.

For regular updates, visit and and subscribe for regular email updates. Should you have any questions, please contact your UTE Local President.

Employers and unions must address systemic racism


Employers and unions must address systemic racism

June 5, 2020

This week, a PSAC member was terminated after sharing a racist video that mocked the murder of George Floyd.  

We were appalled at the creation and distribution of such disturbing and offensive content. It is particularly troubling when we consider that one of the people involved, worked for a major federal institution. 

It demonstrates just how pervasive and systemic the problem of racism is.  No institution is immune. Unions, small business, large companies, public employers – we all have a great deal of work to do in order to eradicate racism.  

At this critical moment, we call on all PSAC employers to work with us to create the genuine change that can address systemic racism. We have a diverse membership across the country, and they all deserve to be part of a union and workplace that not only rejects racism, but actively works to dismantle the structures and behaviour that sustain it.

Individuals must always be held accountable for their actions; however this is not a problem to be pinned on a single person or a few “bad apples”. We are long past the point of thinking we can make things better by simply reacting to individual acts.

Unions and employers have the ability to address systemic racism together, and PSAC is committed to being an active partner in this important work.

5 juin 2020

Cette semaine, un membre de l’AFPC a été licencié après avoir partagé une vidéo raciste moquant le meurtre de George Floyd.

Nous avons été consternés par la création et la diffusion de matériel aussi dérangeant et offensant. C’est particulièrement troublant quand on sait que l’une des personnes impliquées travaillait pour une grande agence fédérale.

Voilà qui montre à quel point le racisme est un problème omniprésent et systémique. Aucune organisation n’est à l’abri. Syndicats, petites entreprises, grandes sociétés, administrations publiques… nous avons tous beaucoup à faire pour éradiquer le racisme.

En ce moment critique, nous demandons à tous les employeurs des membres de l’AFPC de travailler avec nous pour opérer le véritable changement qui permettra de combattre le racisme systémique. Nos membres d’un bout à l’autre du pays, d’origines diverses, méritent tous un syndicat et un milieu de travail qui non seulement rejettent le racisme, mais travaillent activement à démanteler les structures et les comportements qui le perpétuent.

Évidemment, chaque individu doit être tenu responsable de ses actes, mais le racisme n’est pas le problème d’une seule personne ou de quelques « pommes pourries ». L’époque où nous pensions améliorer les choses en réagissant à des actes isolés est révolue.

Les syndicats et les employeurs ont les moyens de s’attaquer ensemble au racisme systémique, et l’AFPC s’engage à y travailler activement.

Little progress one year after report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls


Little progress one year after report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls/ Rapport de l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées : peu de progrès un an plus tard

June 4, 2020

More than a year has passed since the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Many are frustrated by the government’s inaction, even though Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on the anniversary that ending this national tragedy is an urgent priority for his government.

“How can an urgent priority translate into a year of inaction?’ said PSAC National Executive Vice-President Magali Picard. “This is simply a continuation of the federal government’s indifference to the plight of Indigenous women and girls, and a contradiction of their supposed commitment to reconciliation.”

PSAC fully supports the statement issued by the commissioners of the public inquiry, and calls on the federal government to follow through on their commitments to Indigenous peoples and communities.

4 juin 2020

Plus d’un an s’est écoulé depuis la publication du rapport final de l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées. Beaucoup sont frustrés de l’inaction du gouvernement dans ce dossier. Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a pourtant déclaré à l’occasion de ce premier anniversaire que de mettre fin à cette tragédie nationale était une priorité urgente pour son gouvernement.

« Comment expliquer qu’une priorité urgente se traduise par une année d’inaction? », a déclaré la vice-présidente exécutive nationale de l’AFPC, Magali Picard. « L’indifférence du gouvernement fédéral à l’égard du sort des femmes et des filles autochtones ne fait que se répéter et contredit son prétendu engagement envers la réconciliation. »

L’AFPC appuie sans réserve la déclaration des commissaires responsables de l’enquête publique et demande au gouvernement de respecter ses engagements envers les peuples et les communautés autochtones.

Anti-Black Racism: It’s Everyone’s Right/Le racisme anti-noir : notre combat à tous


Anti-Black Racism: It’s Everyone’s Right/ Le racisme anti-noir : notre combat à tous

June 2, 2020

“Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere”
– Martin Luther King Jr.

Once again a spotlight has been put on systemic anti-Black racism in the justice system – one that has oppressed Black, racialized, and Indigenous people for centuries. Most recently, in the United States, Ahmaud Arbery a Black man who was simply jogging was shot to death, and George Floyd a Black man buying groceries, was killed by police officers. Breonna Taylor, a Black woman, was shot in her home in the middle of the night.

In other cases, white people threatened to call the police on Black people for simply participating in every day activities such as: bird-watching, working out in a gym, driving through a neighborhood, etc. These are activities white people do without fear every day and yet, for Black citizens, no activity can be accepted as “safe” when society is rife with systemic racism and those entrusted to protect all citizens repeatedly murder unarmed Black civilians.

Only after videos were released and protests erupted across the country were charges brought against police officers in two cases involving the killing of unarmed Black men. Not enough is being done. Anyone who uses unnecessary violence and force, whether resulting in death or harm must be held accountable – especially police officers and white supremacists. Rarely in the past have they been charged let alone convicted.

There are those who feel that this is an American issue. It is a Canadian issue too.  Black people across Canada have been, and continue to be, racially profiled through carding and other forms of racially biased surveillance. A 2018 interim report from the Ontario Human Rights Commission found that Black people are grossly over-represented in police violence in Ontario. Although the Black population was about 8.8% in Ontario in 2016, use-of-force cases involving Black people was 30%. During the period 2013-2017, deadly police encounters with Black people were 60% and fatal shootings were 70%. Most recently, it was alleged that police were involved in the death of Regis Korchinski-Paquet, an Indigenous-Black woman who fell to her death from the 24th floor balcony of an apartment in Toronto.

Black people must be able to walk, jog, shop, play, work, sleep and engage in everyday activities without fearing for their lives. Black lives matter. Black parents should not have to talk and prepare their children about violence and hatred directed towards them as a result of the colour of their skin, including the possibility of being killed by those who were meant to protect them. Black lives matter.

PSAC stands in solidarity with the Black community and demands justice both in the United States and in Canada. The impact of systemic racism must be recognized.  The pain, and the impact of the repeated killing of Black and racialized people, and the continuous images of violence against Black and racialized people in the media and social media platforms must be recognized. Black Lives Matter.

PSAC demands that racial profiling and the unnecessary violence used against Black people be stopped immediately. Before justice can be served, a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system and other systems that support the oppression of Black, racialized and Indigenous People must be undertaken as a first step to eliminate the deep-rooted systemic racism and unconscious bias against Black, racialized and Indigenous people.

Silence as white or non-racialized people is complicity with white supremacy and with continuing acts of systemic anti-Black violence. What actions can we take collectively against anti-Black violence and oppression?  How can we best support the Black community?  We must challenge our systems and institutions.  We must speak up in the face of injustice, racial violence and white supremacy. We must challenge our unconscious biases. We must be part of the solution.

“If you stay neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”
– Desmond Tutu

2 juin 2020

Une injustice commise quelque part est une menace pour la justice dans le monde entier
— Martin Luther King Jr.

Une fois de plus, les projecteurs sont braqués sur le racisme systémique dans le monde judiciaire —un racisme qui opprime les Noirs, les personnes racialisées et les Autochtones depuis des siècles. Récemment, aux États-Unis, Ahmaud Arbery, un Noir qui faisait son jogging, a été tué par balle et George Floyd, un Noir qui faisait ses courses, a été abattu par des policiers. Breonna Taylor, une femme noire, a été abattue chez elle au milieu de la nuit.

Dans d’autres cas, des Blancs ont menacé des Noirs d’appeler la police alors que ces derniers ne faisaient qu’observer les oiseaux, s’entraîner au gymnase, conduire dans un quartier — des activités banales que les Blancs exercent sans crainte tous les jours. Pour les citoyens noirs, aucune activité n’est considérée comme « sûre » dans un monde où le racisme est généralisé et les personnes chargées de protéger la population abattent régulièrement des civils noirs non armés.

Ce n’est qu’après la diffusion de vidéos et l’éclatement de manifestations à la grandeur des États-Unis que des accusations ont été portées contre des policiers dans deux affaires de meurtre d’hommes noirs non armés. Ce n’est pas assez. Quiconque fait usage d’une violence et d’une force inutiles causant la mort ou des dommages doit être tenu responsable de ses actes, particulièrement les agents de police et les suprémacistes blancs. Malheureusement, rares sont ceux qui ont été inculpés et encore moins condamnés dans le passé.

D’aucuns croient que le racisme anti-noir est un phénomène américain. Qu’ils se détrompent. C’est aussi un problème canadien. Les Noirs de tout le pays continuent d’être victimes de surveillance et de profilage racial. Un rapport intérimaire de la Commission des droits de la personne de l’Ontario datant de 2018 a révélé que les Noirs sont beaucoup plus souvent victimes de violence policière que les autres Ontariens. Bien que les Noirs ne représentaient qu’environ 8,8 % de la population ontarienne en 2016, le taux de recours à la force à leur endroit se situait à 30 %. Entre 2013 et 2017, le nombre de rencontres mortelles entre policiers et Noirs s’élevait à 60 % et le nombre de fusillades mortelles, à 70 %. Plus récemment, les policiers auraient été impliqués dans la mort de Regis Korchinski-Paquet, une Autocthone noire tombée du 24e étage d’un appartement à Toronto.

Les Noirs devraient pouvoir marcher, faire du jogging, magasiner, jouer, travailler, dormir et s’adonner à des activités quotidiennes sans craindre pour leur vie. La vie des Noirs compte. Les parents noirs ne devraient pas avoir à préparer leurs enfants à la violence et à la haine dont ils feront l’objet en raison de la couleur de leur peau, y compris la possibilité d’être tués par les personnes mêmes qui sont censées les protéger. La vie des Noirs compte.

L’AFPC est solidaire de la communauté noire et réclame la justice ici comme aux États-Unis. Il faut reconnaître l’incidence du racisme systémique. Il faut reconnaître la douleur et l’impact des meurtres à répétition, ainsi que les images de violence continuelle contre les personnes noires et racialisées dans les médias et les médias sociaux. La vie des Noirs compte.

L’AFPC plaide pour que le profilage racial et la violence gratuite à l’égard des personnes noires cessent immédiatement. Mais avant que justice ne soit rendue, il faut revoir complètement le système de justice pénale et tous les autres systèmes qui soutiennent l’oppression des personnes noires, racialisées et autochtones. C’est la toute première étape pour éliminer le racisme profondément enraciné et les préjugés inconscients contre ces personnes.

Le silence des personnes blanches ou non racialisées est synonyme de complicité avec le suprémacisme blanc et la violence systémique contre les Noirs. Comment pouvons-nous agir collectivement contre cette violence et cette oppression? Quel est le meilleur moyen de soutenir la communauté noire? Nous devons remettre en question nos systèmes et nos institutions. Nous devons dénoncer l’injustice, la violence raciale et la suprématie blanche. Nous devons débusquer nos préjugés inconscients. Nous devons faire partie de la solution.

Rester neutre face à l’injustice, c’est choisir le camp de l’oppresseur
— Desmond Tutu

EAP Toolkit to Support Members in Loss Situations

EAP Toolkit to Support Members in Loss Situations

The pandemic has led to a series of losses, from our sense of safety to our social connections to our financial security. We are increasingly isolated from normal activities that bring us into contact with others. Going to work, shopping, visiting the library or making arrangements to catch up with friends and family are impacted by the need for personal distancing and social isolation. Furthermore, the COVID 19 pandemic has also disrupted usual grieving and funeral practices. The community is grappling with making sense of the seismic changes in their much-needed mourning rituals. In order to slow the spread of the pandemic individuals are now asked to physically isolate themselves. This is a guideline that impacts almost all usual grieving and funeral practices. It has created thousands of new mourners, many of whom are grieving alone.


To assist employees with the potential losses both in the workplace or in personal lives, the Employee Assistance Program has put together a grief and loss toolkit. Every experience of loss can be different, as well as the circumstances around any loss may vary as well. Consequently, one often needs to approach supporting staff with a more tailored approach.

Some useful tips to keep in mind when supporting a bereaved person during self-isolation and physical distancing:

  • Make that phone call to tell them you are especially thinking of them during this time

  • Allow them to talk about their loved one, as well as their fears

  • Understand their grief from their perspective and normalize their experience

  • Try to avoid clichés; listen if you do not know what to say

  • Allow a space for them to cry, give them that time, your silence allows for this

  • It is always okay to express sorrow over their loss

  • Stay in contact with them on a regular basis: video chat, phone

  • Encourage them to seek or keep in contact with supports

  • “Visit” them virtually. Make a coffee date

  • Encourage them to access professional and other supports.




Should you wish to consult on best approaches in dealing with grief and bereavement concerns, , or for further information on EAP services that can best support you, your family and/or your staff, please do not hesitate to contact your local coordinator-counsellor or visit the EAP website at http://infozone/eap or if you do not have a CRA computer.


If you have any concerns and need support for yourself or your staff, please do not hesitate to contact the Employee Assistance Program,  External EAP Provider: Shepell (E) 1-800-268-5211, (F) 1-800-363-3872, (TTY) 1-800-363-6270, available 24 hours, 7 days a week; website:

Grief and Loss Resources – On Line Support




Centre of Expertise on Mental Health in the Workplace

New information hub focused on Mental Health and COVID-19.  Preliminary information has been populated, which focuses on protecting your mental health and getting help if needed.

Mental Health Hub

Free online resource that helps parents support their children when someone in their life is dying or has died. It equips parents with the words and confidence needed to help children grieve life’s losses in healthy ways.


Bereaved Families of Ontario

BFO can assist you to be helpful for a friend, relative or co-worker who has experienced the death of a loved one. They provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for you to discuss your experiences and learn about grief with others who have been there. The service we provide is free, no charge for our help and support. Bilingual support available in some communities.


Morneau Shepell

Extensive Health and Well Being library with many helpful articles around grief and bereavement. Free to CRA ON Region employees. for “Search Organization” enter Canada Revenue Agency and then CRA Ontario Region from drop-down list.


Wellness Together Canada

WTC will connect Canadians to peer support workers, social workers, psychologists and other professionals for confidential chat sessions or phone calls, and will make it easier to find credible information and help address mental health and substance use issues.

Wellness Together Canada


English Only

This resource can help you understand grief and work through some of the difficult issues you may be facing. has been developed by a team of national and international grief experts together with people who have experienced significant loss in their own. It is not meant to replace professional counselling or other health care services.



Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential service you can call to get health advice or information. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Telehealth Ontario is only offered over the phone. Email advice is not available.


PSAC to government: Keep public services stable, head back to the bargaining table


PSAC to government: Keep public services stable, head back to the bargaining table

Statement from PSAC National President Chris Aylward:

Over the last two months of the COVID-19 pandemic, PSAC members have been on the frontlines battling the virus and delivering emergency financial support to millions of Canadians. They continue to provide these critical services, they do so without a new contract, and many have not seen wage increases for up to four years.

It’s time for the federal government to fix this by heading back to the bargaining table and reaching a settlement for over 140,000 public service workers.

PSAC members are putting Canadians first during this unprecedented crisis. They work around the clock to deliver benefits, and they face the virus head-on every day at our borders, in our federal penitentiaries, in meat packing plants as they inspect our food, and the list goes on. Thousands have also stepped forward to do completely new jobs wherever there has been a need to support the government’s relief efforts. They want to keep working but they also want a fair contract.

Elsewhere in Canada, the need to provide stability and fair compensation to public service workers during this pandemic has been recognized. The government of Ontario bargained and settled with its teachers’ unions in the first weeks of the crisis, and the Quebec government is at the bargaining table with unions representing over 500,000 public sector workers. Even large federal employers like Canada Post reached a tentative agreement with PSAC members just days ago.

And in response to the pandemic the government implemented massive changes at lightning speed across the public service (with the help of PSAC members), yet they have refused to move forward on the comparably modest task of settling a round of bargaining.

There is no reason for the federal government to delay. Canadians need a stable public service that is well supported during this difficult time, and our members certainly deserve to have their basic right to a fair contract respected.

We should also keep in mind that these are the same workers who continue to experience four years of Phoenix pay nightmares and have yet to be compensated for their hardships.

We are urging the federal government to get their negotiators back to the table with a mandate to reach a fair settlement to the benefit of PSAC members and all Canadians.

Latest Information Regarding Public Service Health Care Plan


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Temporary measures: Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)

Date: March 24, 2020

To: The Public Service Pay Centre, Compensation Managers, Heads of Human Resources, Participating Separate Employers and Deputy Ministers

In response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, the Government of Canada has implemented temporary changes to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). These measures are designed to help PSHCP members and eligible dependants access health care benefits while at the same time minimizing social interaction with health care professionals. The following temporary measures will be in effect from March 24, 2020, until April 24, 2020, with the possibility of being extended.

All other PSHCP provisions and coverage for members and eligible dependants remain the same during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. For additional information on the PSHCP, please consult

Emergency Benefit While Travelling

For PSHCP members and eligible dependants who experience a medical emergency while travelling on vacation or business, the PSHCP covers up to $500,000 (Canadian) for eligible emergency medical expenses (such as hospitalization and hospital services) in excess of the amount payable by a province or territory to treat an injury or disease that occurs within 40 days from the date of departure.

Temporary extension of travel emergency benefits

The limit of 40 days from the date of departure from the province or territory of residence has been extended to 60 days for those who left their province or territory of residence to travel outside of Canada before March 17, 2020, in advance of the Government of Canada’s Travel Health Notice, and are still outside of Canada after March 17, 2020.

This means that if a member or eligible dependant left their province or territory of residence before March 17, 2020, they will have their Emergency Benefit While Travelling coverage extended from 40 to 60 days.

The extension does not apply to those who had already exceeded the 60‑day threshold on March 17, 2020.

In other words, if a member or eligible dependant left their province or territory of residence on or before January 17, 2020, they will not be covered under the new temporary 60-day extension.

The following are not reimbursed under the PSHCP:

  1. travel expenses as a result of trip cancellations or changes
  2. expenses incurred as a result of a quarantine if the member or eligible dependant does not contract COVID-19
  3. transportation expenses arranged by Canada back to a quarantine location

For assistance with travel‑related medical emergencies, PSHCP members travelling in Canada or the United States can call Allianz toll‑free at 1-800-667-2883. Plan members in all other countries should call Allianz collect at 519-742-1342.

Drug benefit

Under the PSHCP, the dispensing limit for eligible prescription drugs is 100 days for both acute and maintenance drugs. A pharmacist cannot dispense another 100‑day supply of medication before a member has consumed two‑thirds of their current supply.

Temporary relaxing of the dispensing limit for maintenance medications that allow the pharmacist to exercise professional discretion whether to dispense the medication sooner

Until April 24, 2020, the PSHCP will allow pharmacists to exercise their professional discretion to dispense maintenance prescription drugs beyond the 100‑day limit. This measure will reduce trips to pharmacies. However, please note that prescription medications which are in limited supply may not be dispensed in large quantities to ensure those individuals with urgent needs have access to essential drugs.

Maintenance prescription drugs are medications that are commonly used for the treatment of chronic (long-term) conditions. Maintenance drugs are used to help control or manage disease rather than cure it (examples include blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol lowering medications).

The temporary removal of the dispensing limit does not apply to acute medications. Acute prescription drugs refer to medications that will only be used for a short period of time (examples include antibiotics, pain medications, and medications used in an emergency like a heart attack).

Medical Practitioners Benefit

Under the Medical Practitioners Benefit, the PSHCP covers services rendered by practitioners such as psychologists. These practitioners must be registered, licensed or certified to practice in the province or territory where they work.

To be eligible for coverage for some services, members require a prescription from a physician.

Temporary changes to accepted mental health practitioners

Until April 24, 2020, social workers will be included as mental health professionals along with psychologists for all PSHCP members and eligible dependants, regardless of where they are located.

To be covered for services by a social worker all claims must be sent by mail using a completed PSHCP Claim Form (PDF, 614 KB) for Supplementary Coverage or a PSHCP Claim Form for Out-of-Country Claims for Comprehensive Coverage. Attach supporting documentation (original receipts, bills, invoices, physician or practitioner statements, and/or questionnaires, etc.). Mail the form to the address indicated on the form along with the supporting documentation.

Temporary changes to prescription requirements

Until April 24, 2020, a prescription from a physician is not required for mental health or physiotherapy services.

COVID-19: Nine thousand public service employees step forward to help deliver benefits package

COVID-19: Nine thousand public service employees step forward to help deliver benefits package

The federal government intends to begin accepting applications for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) by April 6. As part of the plan to process this unprecedented volume of work, a great deal of additional staff will be needed to answer calls from Canadians trying to access financial support.

In response to this urgent need, thousands of PSAC members from Service Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) have volunteered to move from their regular duties and transition into these new positions.

“Our members are doing everything they can to help Canadians during this critical time, including taking on new and additional responsibilities to fill these important roles,” said PSAC National President, Chris Aylward.

PSAC members have expanded their commitments significantly during this crisis despite being without a contract for years. Service Canada and CRA employees have not had a wage increase for almost three and four years respectively.

“Federal public service workers know that they’re the backbone of government support and they’re stepping up to the plate to deliver for Canadians.”
