Marc Brière, UTE National President, Morgan Gay, PSAC/UTE negotiator and Adam Jackson, 2nd National vice-president in charge of bargaining talk about this round of bargaining
Category: Uncategorized
A number of key issues were discussed with the Agency over the course of the week.
Our PSAC/UTE bargaining team met with the CRA from July 3 to 5 to continue negotiations for a new collective agreement. Some of the issues discussed included:
- Increased work-life balance for PSAC-UTE members at CRA. Our team again highlighted for the Agency the need for an increase in leave access for employees under our new agreement.
- Vacation scheduling. Our bargaining team has made proposals to fix on-going problems with vacation scheduling at the Agency.
- There were discussions concerning call centres. Our team pointed out again that working conditions in CRA call centres are poor and that we are looking for language that would greatly improve them, including scheduling rights and enhanced protections for call centre workers.
- Term employment. We reiterated that the union is looking for mechanisms that protect against excessive term employment at CRA and provide for more permanent work
- Evening and shift work. We are looking for protections against the expansion of shift work at CRA, and new rights for employees scheduled to work evenings.
We resolved a number of housekeeping matters with the Agency this week and agreed on language ensuring that our agreement is gender neutral. A copy of our proposals and those of the employer can be found on the UTE and PSAC websites. We will be tabling wage proposals at a future date once we have received and analyzed the employer’s payroll data.
We are scheduled to resume negotiations in September. We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress.
Be sure to go to and for more information and to subscribe for regular updates. Also, should you have any questions please contact your UTE Local President.
PSAC/UTE members at Canada Revenue Agency
My Contract – My Voice
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Les parties ont discuté de questions clés au cours de la semaine.
Du 3 au 5 juillet, notre équipe de négociation de l’AFPC-SEI a rencontré l’ARC pour poursuivre les négociations en vue de conclure une nouvelle convention collective. Voici quelques-unes des questions ayant fait l’objet de discussions :
- Équilibre travail-vie personnelle. Notre équipe a réitéré l’importance d’améliorer l’accès aux congés pour les employés de l’Agence.
- Calendrier des congés annuels. Nous avons proposé des solutions pour régler les problèmes récurrents concernant le calendrier des congés annuels.
- Centres d’appels. Nous avons rappelé à l’employeur que les conditions de travail dans les centres d’appels de l’ARC sont médiocres. Nous réclamons des dispositions afin d’améliorer grandement ces conditions, y compris les droits liés aux horaires de travail et de meilleures protections pour les travailleurs et travailleuses.
- Emploi pour une période déterminée. Nous voulons aussi des protections contre le recours abusif à l’emploi pour une période déterminée et l’augmentation du nombre d’emplois permanents.
- Travail de poste et de soir. Nous réclamons des protections contre l’expansion du travail par poste et de nouveaux droits pour les travailleuses et travailleurs de soir.
Nous avons réglé un certain nombre de questions administratives et avons convenu d’utiliser un langage neutre dans la nouvelle convention. Vous trouverez nos revendications et les propositions de l’employeur sur les sites Web de l’AFPC et du SEI. Nous présenterons nos revendications salariales une fois que nous aurons reçu et analysé les données de l’employeur sur la paye.
D’autres séances de négociation sont prévues en septembre. Nous vous tiendrons au courant de la situation.
N’hésitez pas à consulter les sites Web et pour d’autres renseignements et pour vous inscrire pour recevoir des mises à jour régulières. En outre, si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec le président ou la présidente de votre section locale.
Les membres de l’AFPC-SEI à l’ARC :
Mon contrat – Ma voix
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Aaron-Rankine Wright Funeral Arrangements
To Our Members:
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the loss of Sister Dian Wright’s Son, Aaron-Rankine Wright who was suddenly taken away on Saturday June 9th under tragic circumstances. Aaron was a kind and gentle soul who helped at the Children’s Christmas parties. He will be remembered for his love of helping kids to find their path.
Dian served on the Local’s executive council for many years, as a director and later as the VP. She is also a member of PSAC Toronto Racially Visible Committee. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to Dian and her family at this time.
Funeral Arrangement:
Cardinal Funeral Home
Viewing: Friday June 15, 2018 – 2:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Interment: Saturday June 16, 2018 11:00 A.M.
Both of the above event at Cardinal Funeral Home .
Local 00013
Implementation of UTE Collective Agreement / Mise en œuvre de la convention collective du SEI
Sisters and Brothers,
Following the decision of the Conciliation Board regarding the additional pay increases for the last two years of our last bargaining agreement (2014-2015 and 2015-2016), we have regular contacts with CRA representatives in order to make sure that the Employer will respect its obligations.
I would like to inform you that the first retroactive payments will be paid out on Wednesday June 13, 2018 for the non-complex cases. These retroactive payments will cover the period ending March 31, 2017.
Also starting on June 13, 2018, the new rates of pay will be applied.
On the following payday, on June 27, 2018, the remaining retroactive payments for non-complex cases will be paid out. These retroactive payments will cover the period starting April 1, 2017, until the current pay period.
For all the other more complicated cases, there will be retroactive payments paid out on the following paydays: July 11, July 25 and August 8.
These transactions will take more time to process since they must be done manually.
The deadline for the Agency to process all the retroactive payments to our members is August 11, 2018.
At this time, the Agency has indicated that they are confident to be able to respect their obligations concerning the retroactive payments.
I have also been asked by many people if the Agency would be forced to pay retroactive payments related to the payment in lieu of severance for the members who have opted to cash out their severance.
The answer is yes.
However, the 150-days deadline agreed upon at the signature of the last bargaining agreement doesn’t apply for these payments.
Please note that these payments will all be processed manually by the CRA’s compensation agents.
Therefore, the Employer will have more time to process those payments.
My office is getting regular updates on the situation and we will keep you inform of any developments regarding this issue.
In Solidarity,
Consoeurs et confrères,
À la suite de la décision du bureau de conciliation concernant les augmentations salariales supplémentaires pour les deux dernières années de notre dernier contrat (2014-2015 et 2015-2016), nous avons des contacts réguliers avec les représentants de l’ARC afin de nous assurer que l’Employeur respecte ses obligations.
Je tiens à vous informer que les premiers paiements rétroactifs seront versés le mercredi 13 juin 2018 pour les cas non complexes. Ces paiements rétroactifs couvriront la période se terminant le 31 mars 2017.
À compter du 13 juin 2018, les nouveaux taux de rémunération s’appliqueront également.
Le jour de paie suivant, soit le 27 juin 2018, les paiements rétroactifs restants pour les cas non complexes seront payés. Ces paiements rétroactifs couvriront la période commençant le 1er avril 2017, jusqu’à la période de paie en cours.
Pour tous les autres cas plus compliqués, il y aura des paiements rétroactifs versés les jours de paie suivants: 11 juillet, 25 juillet et 8 août.
Ces transactions prendront plus de temps à traiter car elles doivent être effectuées manuellement.
La date limite pour que l’Agence traite tous les paiements rétroactifs à nos membres est le 11 août 2018.
À l’heure actuelle, l’Agence a indiqué qu’elle était confiante de pouvoir respecter ses obligations concernant les paiements rétroactifs.
De nombreuses personnes m’ont aussi demandé si l’Agence serait obligée de payer des paiements rétroactifs liés au paiement tenant lieu d’indemnité de départ pour les membres qui ont choisi d’encaisser leur indemnité de départ.
La réponse est oui.
Toutefois, le délai de 150 jours convenu à la signature de la dernière convention collective ne s’applique pas à ces paiements.
Veuillez noter que ces paiements seront tous traités manuellement par les agents de rémunération de l’ARC.
Par conséquent, l’employeur aura plus de temps pour traiter ces paiements.
Mon bureau reçoit des mises à jour régulières sur la situation et nous vous tiendrons informés de tout développement concernant cet enjeu.
En toute solidarité,
Marc Brière
Président national du SEI
UTE National President
Doug Ford’s Promises Aren’t Adding Up
PSAC members will be heading to the polls across Ontario on June 7, 2018, to elect our next provincial government.
This will be an especially important election given Doug Ford’s plans to cut jobs and services in a misguided attempt to “find efficiencies.” Ontario already spends the least per capita on public services than any other province or territory in Canada.
Attached you will find a document that highlights some of the campaign promises made by the Party’s and the dangers posed by a Progressive Conservative government.
We have a big decision ahead of us. Talk to your friends, family and co-workers about the importance of this election and the issues that matter to you.
On June 7th, raise your voice and elect a government that will make changes that work for our communities and let’s build a more prosperous Ontario.
In solidarity,
Sharon DeSousa,
Regional Executive Vice-President – Ontario
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Re-Opener Update
As mentioned in an Agency news communication published on May 2, the Compensation Client Service Centre (CCSC) is currently implementing the PSAC-UTE re-opener, for which a decision was rendered on March 14, 2018. The processing date for the PSAC-UTE re-opener was revised, and the new salary rates and the retroactive payments will now start as early as June 13, 2018. These adjustments will be made on a number of payments over the 150-day implementation period.
Linda G Collins
President – Local 00013
Labour Co-Chair/Health and Safety
Workplace Accommodation Coach
Toronto North
It’s with a very heavy heart we have to remember what took place near our Toronto North office. Many of our fellow members, our brothers and sisters, = witnessed the tragedy that took place. Some will have a very long road to recovery, some will never forget the Carnage they had to witness.
Today the Toronto North office will once more be opened and staff will be expected to return to work. I know that many of you have friends in that off= ice, we have some of our members there working and some of you have worked in that office. I would like to ask each and every one of you to show the utmost concern and consideration to all of those members and to provide them whatever assistance and help you can. It’s at times like this that as a union we have to stand together and we have to help one another get through whatever hardships come our way.
Our thoughts and prayers to our Toronto North brothers and sisters.
Linda Collins, President-Local 00013
Toronto Centre, 1 Front Street
Toronto, Ontario.