Letter From Chris Roach to Scott Brison

Sent April 17, 2016

Objet: Union of Taxation Employees and Canada Revenue Agency Negotiations

Minister Brison,

I am Vice President of the Audit Financial and Scientific Group of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, although we are currently engaged in bargaining with the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) that’s not why I’m contacting you today. I am writing to request CRA and Treasury Board return to the bargaining table with our colleagues who are represented by the Union of Taxation Employees a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

The fact that our Brothers and Sisters have been without a contract since Nov 1 2012 is totally unacceptable. I encourage you as minister to provide direction to the Treasury Board and CRA that will result in a fair collective agreement for these dedicated members of the public service. Canadians rely on the services provided by a strong and knowledgeable public service, please show these employees that the Government of Canada appreciates their contribution to make Canada the wonderful country that it is.


Chris Roach

Vice President AFS Group

Summerside, PEI

Letter From Doug Mason to Scott Brison

Sent April 16, 2016

Subject: Union of Taxation Employees and Canada Revenue Agency Negotiations

Good morning Minister Brison,

I am the Chair of the Bargaining Team for the Audit Financial and Scientific Group (AFS) of the Professional Institute of the Public Service (PIPSC) that is currently in negotiations with the Canada Revenue Agency for a new collective agreement. I am also the National President of the AFS Group.

However, this communication is not about my group’s bargaining. Our CRA colleagues represented by the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) have been working without a collective agreement since November 1, 2012. This is an unacceptable situation.

As a show of support for my colleagues at UTE, I urge the Treasury Board and CRA to come to the bargaining table on April 25-27 with a fair offer and finalize a collective agreement with UTE.


Doug Mason
President, AFS Group / Président du groupe VFS

Negotiations to Reconvene in April

CRA bargaining: negotiations to reconvene in April

Our UTE/PSAC bargaining team met with the CRA for three days of talks this week.

Unfortunately we did not reach an agreement, although we spent considerable time discussing the issues outstanding with the CRA.

The parties have jointly agreed to reconvene in negotiations from April 25 to 27. Our hope is that we might finally reach an agreement with the Agency at that time.

We’ll be sure to update you as things progress.

ARC : Les négociations se poursuivront en avril

Notre équipe de négociation SEI/AFPC a repris les négociations avec l’ARC trois jours cette semaine.

Nous avons longuement discuté des enjeux en suspens avec l’Agence, mais nous ne sommes malheureusement pas parvenus à une entente.

Dans l’espoir de finalement conclure une nouvelle convention collective, les deux parties ont pris la décision de reprendre les pourparlers, du 25 au 27 avril prochain.

Nous vous tiendrons au courant des développements.

For sister Madonna Gardiner

Bob Campbell

National President

Union of Taxation Employees

Back to the Bargaining Table

***The English version. La version française suit***

Sisters and Brothers,

I am pleased to announce that we have secured dates to go back to the bargaining table. The teams will be meeting on March 21, 22 and 23, 2016.

I would like to thank all of our members who have taken the time to show support to the team in many ways such as; the grievance campaign, meeting with and/or writing to your MP, etc. Thanks to your hard work, our campaign to get back to the table has been successful in securing the above noted dates.

A further communication will be coming from PSAC shortly.

In Solidarity;

Madonna Z. Gardiner

2nd National VP, UTE

Member of the PSAC/UTE Bargaining Team

***La version française. The English version precedes***

Consoeurs et confrères,

Il me fait plaisir d’annoncer que nous avons obtenu des dates de retour à la table de négociations. Les équipes vont se rencontrer les 21, 22 et 23 mars 2016.

J’aimerais remercier tous nos membres qui ont pris le temps de démontrer leur support à l’équipe de plusieurs façons telles que: la campagne de griefs, rencontre avec et/ou message écrit à votre député, etc. Grâce à votre travail acharné, notre campagne visant un retour à la table a été couronné de succès en ce qui concerne l’obtention des dates ci-haut mentionnées.

Une communication subséquente sera envoyée très bientôt par l’AFPC.

En toute solidarité,

Madonna Z. Gardiner

2e vice-présidente nationale, SEI

Membre de l’équipe de négociation de l’AFPC/SEI

Bargaining Update

March 3, 2016

The PSAC and UTE have been pressuring Treasury Board and CRA to get back to the table and negotiate a fair agreement.

Thanks to the Locals who are coming up with innovative ideas to support the Negotiating Team and we encourage others to do the same. It is only through the members demonstrating their support that we will be able to negotiate a fair agreement.

In Solidarity;

Madonna Z. Gardiner

2nd National Vice President, UTE

Member of the PSAC/UTE Bargaining Team

Note on Feb. 23rd Bulletin

Sent on behalf of Madonna Gardiner / Envoyé de la part de Madonna Gardiner

You may be aware that PIPSC put out a bulletin Feb. 23, 2016 indicating “It’s our understanding that CRA has also been given a new mandate by Treasury Board” UTE has no knowledge of a new mandate given by Treasury Board. In the event there is a change to this and/or if we secure bargaining dates, you will be notified as soon as possible.

Vous savez peut-être que l’IPFPC a émis un bulletin le 23 février 2016 indiquant “Il est de notre compréhension que l’ARC a été donné un nouveau mandat par le Conseil du Trésor.” Le SEI n’a pas connaissance d’un nouveau mandat donné par le Conseil du Trésor. En cas de tout changement de ce et/ou si nous obtenons les dates de négociation, vous serez informé dès que possible.

In Solidarity / En toute solidarité

Madonna Z. Gardiner

Bargaining Meeting

Sent on behalf of Bob Campbell / Envoyé de la part de Bob Campbell

I had a meeting with Andrew Treusch yesterday to discuss bargaining. We both agreed that we would only make the following public statement.. “We met on February 18th, and agreed to meet again very soon.”

In Solidarity,

J’ai rencontré Andrew Treusch hier pour discuter des négociations. Nous nous sommes entendus pour nous limiter à la déclaration publique suivante : « Nous nous sommes rencontrés le 18 février et nous avons convenu de nous revoir très bientôt. »

En toute solidarité,

Robert Campbell

National President / Président national

Bargaining Update

Your PSAC/UTE bargaining team met on February 16th and 17th.  As was indicated in the Feb. 5th update, this meeting was to have discussions to evaluate our position as a bargaining team and determine next steps.  We also discussed future actions to demonstrate support for the team. More information on this will be shared in the coming weeks.

Our National UTE President, Brother Bob Campbell, has received a reply to his letter to the Minister of National Revenue.  This reply was received on February 11, 2016.  In light of this response, Brother Campbell was scheduled to meet with the CRA’s Commissioner, Andrew Treusch on Thursday, February 18th.  No update was available prior to the issuance of this memo.

We are hoping to be back at the bargaining table – with an employer that is finally ready to negotiate with us – in the very near future.

Once again, we want to thank all the members who have shown their support through the grievance process, writing and/or visiting your MP and writing the Commissioner. Please see a member of your executive to file a grievance or find out more about these campaigns in support of the bargaining team.

In Solidarity;

Madonna Z. Gardiner
2nd National Vice President, UTE
Member of the PSAC/UTE Bargaining Team