Petition and Mobilization Activities
Youtube video – https://youtu.be/qxKf8dhGu0QFor those who prefer the text, here it is:
Hello Sisters and Brothers,
As you know, the last bargaining session, held from January 21st to the 24th, did not go as well as we had hoped.
Your bargaining team once again reiterated its priorities at this meeting.
Unfortunately, the CRA has responded with either outright rejection of the solutions we proposed or, in some cases, it countered with proposals to make things worse. In the end, no progress was made on the important issues we identified.
Faced with the CRA's lack of flexibility and not wanting the process to drag on as it did in the last round, your bargaining team had no choice but to declare an impasse in the current negotiations and has submitted a request to the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board to create a Public Interest Commission. This is the next step required by law.
Over the past twelve months, our members have made it clear to us that they do not want to once again wait another four years before getting a new contract. We have heard your message and we are acting accordingly.
It’s no surprise the Agency is currently challenging our bargaining impasse declaration before the Labour Relations Board.
Pending the Commission's decision, we must continue to apply continuous pressure on the CRA.
For several weeks, each of our Locals has been circulating a petition to our members to express our dissatisfaction. If you have not already done so, I am asking you to sign this petition. It is very important to demonstrate our solidarity and unwavering support for our bargaining team.
We must send a clear message to the CRA Commissioner.
With this in mind, we will also continue to hold various mobilization activities in the coming weeks.
When your local calls on you, it is essential that you get involved and be present at the various demonstrations of solidarity.
After all, this is your contract!
This is where the slogan "My Contract, My Voice" takes its meaning!
Thank you.
Marc Brière
National President