Virtual Work Arrangement Update
July 25, 2024
Brothers, Sisters and Friends,
This will serve as an update to the messages from our National President on May 16th regarding the Commissioner’s arbitrary and unilateral decision to comply with the Treasury Board Direction of an increase to an average of three days per week Requirement of On-site Presence (ROOP).
In the absence of the National President, the 2nd Vice-President was asked to attend a special meeting of the PSAC National Board of Directors scheduled to discuss the PSAC campaign against the employers’ decisions to impose an increased worksite presence without consultation with the Union. During this meeting, the participants discussed and considered a number of activities aimed at mobilizing members and putting pressure on Treasury Board and other departments and agencies to reverse their decisions. Further information concerning these actions and strategies will be shared once a decision has been made.
In the interim, UTE strongly encourages members who require more flexibility in their existing telework arrangements, more tailored to their needs, to submit a revised/new VWA to their respective supervisor for approval and if denied, to grieve said denial. Your Local union representatives are available to assist you in filing this grievance.
Relatedly, please be advised that as soon as the announcement about the increase in on-site presence was made, we noted that UTE was not included in the Policy Grievance and Unfair Labour Practice complaint with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board filed by PSAC with respect to its other bargaining units. Accordingly, we immediately requested that the PSAC also file a similar Policy Grievance and Unfair Labour Practice Complaint, which they did on our behalf.
Rest assured that both UTE and the PSAC will continue to aggressively pursue this ill-conceived decision by the various employers and will consider all available avenues of recourse in this matter. We strongly encourage you to participate in the various activities and campaigns when you are called upon to decry this unilateral and unjust decision and to challenge this decision.
In solidarity,

Doug Gaetz
1st Vice-President, on behalf of
Marc Brière
National President
Union of Taxation Employees